Monday, March 30, 2009


On Friday, I was leaving my house to go to work, and there was something in my mailbox. After arriving at work, I decided to open it up; inside were some of my Cd's that I ordered from Amazon. I've been listening to them over the weekend. I got two Franz Ferdinand Cd's the self-titled one, and You Could Have It So Much Better. I also received The Weakerthans - Reconstruction Site, and Reunion Tour. I'm totally enjoying The Weakerthans. Franz Ferdinand it also just kick ass. I believe I may need to get another Weakerthans Cd. They're just so fucking cool. It was an uneventful weekend. I worked on Saturday, the rest of the weekend I just listened to music. I was going to pull out my acoustic guitar, however that never happened. My notebook, unfortunately, also stayed closed. I just need some quality time for writing and my guitar, however I'm finding it very difficult to concentrate. I believe it's my home environment. It just isn't very conducive to music making or writing. It doesn't have the vibe I want it to have, and therefore is interfering with everything. I need to give my house a proper vibe. As of late it's been more of a house than a home. I don't even really feel at home in my house. I've been sleeping on the guest bed for well over a month now. I still have not made the transition back to my bed, and I really want to, but every time I go to sleep, I go straight to the guest room. I haven't even really set foot in my room, since January. About a month ago, I did have a writing fit, so I was writing on my bedroom walls, however after the fit was over, I retired to my guest room. I find it rather disturbing, as to there's really no reason for this. I would like to get to the bottom of this. I really need to just change everything in my house, not everything, but rearrange things and what not. Maybe that would change things.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Now I'm A Fool

Palm trees and fun, fabulous sun
Hollywood's always like that
But nothing is real, even words that you can feel
It's just illusion
Suddenly you appeared out of the smoke and haze and I think that you got me
I'm falling for you, I think that you got me
Moment of fun glowed like a sun,
I'm telling my friends about you
Not to say I'm the one,
But I put down my guns and then you went Hollywood on me
Now I'm a fool I feel like the whole world knows and I just can't escape it
Figured your cool,
I was so sweet on you and it seems like you faked it
Seems so cruel, think I could shake you off ,
Yea I think I'm tough I can take it
I'm tellin' the truth,
You put a good hurt on me
Now I'm a fool I feel like the whole world knows and I just can't escape it
Figured your cool,
I was so sweet on you and it seems like you faked it
Seems so cruel, think I could shake you off,
Yea I think I'm tough I can take it
I'm tellin' the truth,
You put a good hurt on me.

Super awesome song by Eagles of Death Metal.


Everything for the past few days has been pretty uneventful. Nothing really exciting happening. I watched RockNRolla last night. I really enjoyed it. Apparently it's supposed to be part of a trilogy, so I'm stoked for the sequels to come out. The finale last night of the Jeopardy Tournament of Champions was off the hizzook. I'm such a nerd, I was totally excited for the finale, and towards the end of the game I was all nervous, and my belly was flipping. Yeah I'm a huge dorkus malorkus. Hmmm. I'm not really sure what to write about. Work is boring, there's nothing to do. I'm wanting to go home but I'm stuck here until at least 8:30. I think I should do some more writing, and/or reading. I haven't really written anything for the past few weeks, I haven't really attempted anything. The past few weeks have been this stagnant thing. I haven't touched my guitars, or written in my notebooks. Just been listening to a lot of music, and movies. I need to feel more creative. I'm going to teach myself a song on the guitar in the next week or two. I haven't decided which song yet. Something relatively simple that I can sing as well. I have no plans for this weekend as of yet. I am working on Saturday which sucks. Maybe I'll keep it low key and just chill with some alcohol, drugs, my notebook and my guitars. Oh and my Cd's, and try have a very inspirational weekend. That probably won't happen. I should really just clean my house, that way I can be a lot more calm. The mess in my house is totally fucking with me and my vibe. I'm sure of it. Hmmm.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend Over

This past weekend was pretty awesome. Friday I worked until 9:30 then I went home and chilled for the night. It was nice and relaxing. Saturday was off the hook. I got nice and buzzed before leaving home. Went and seen Propagandhi at the Garrick. They put on an awesome show, although I still maintain some of the band members are complete douche bags in real life. But the show was good fun times. It was over by 11:30. Then we headed on over to the Albert to check out The Real McKenzies. Now that was a fucking awesome show. It was good fun punk times with bagpipes all around. Do not, I repeat, do not go into a mosh pit with a relatively fresh tattoo. My newest tattoo on my forearm was all scabby, lets just say by the end of the Real McKenzies, most of the scabs had vanished (were ripped off) from my arm. It wasn't the most pleasant experience. Let's hope that it'll still heal awesome and I won't have to redo it. Although I have already been contemplating fancying up my newest addition. I did buy the new Propagandhi album Supporting Caste. I feel like a bit of a tool for supporting them, but their music is awesome, and I am enjoying their Cd. So much so, in fact there's this song about cannibalism on the album, and they're vegans. So now I kind of feel I should go back to being a vegetarian. I'm not entirely convinced though, but everything is telling me to stop eating meat again. Especially after hearing that song. Mmmm Tim Hortons sausage breakfast sandwich! Haha. Yeah I'm pure evil and a hypocrite but whatever, at least I can admit it. I need to procure a few more leather goods before making the change to vegetarianism. After all I wouldn't want to be a hypocrite and buy leather wears while being a vegetarian, however all animal products purchased while being a meat eater is fair game to wear while being a vegetarian. But yes the Real McKenzies put on an awesome show. It was good fun times in the mosh pit. I just realised the next day that I seen the lead singer's package. They wear kilts on stage, and one of the last few songs he decided to moon the audience and Scots don't wear anything under their kilts. So when he bent over I seen the whole kit and caboodle. I totally repressed it in my memory when a conversation came back to me the next day, and this guy was like "at least you got to see his penis", then the whole flashing thing came back to me. Me and my friend pretty much ended up closing The Albert down, we were like the last few people in their. I also bought a Real McKenzies Cd. At the merch table one of the dudes from the band was selling their merch, so I drunkenly asked him, if I was to own one Real McKenzies Cd which one should it be. So he handed me their latest one Off The Leash. I'm very pleased with my purchase. It's a totally awesome Cd, there's this one awesome drinking song on it. It's just filled with bag piped goodness. On another awesome Cd note. I'm totally enjoying the new Franz Ferdinand Cd - Tonight: Franz Ferdinand. It's just good dancy fun times. If you're just looking for a Cd to be like whatever, I feel like dancing, and having a good time. The new Franz is definitely the way to go.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I'm super anxious and excited. I want it to be tomorrow already. There's going to be a major concert announcement. There's this Rock on the Range music festival they have every year in Columbus, Ohio. Apparently this summer they're also doing one in Winnipeg. It's June 27th, on the website as of right now they have the bands that are playing the Columbus show. But they aren't doing the announcement for the Winnipeg show until tomorrow morning. I'm really anxious and I just want to find out the bands that are playing. Word on the street is that Rancid is going to play. Tim Armstrong is my future husband. Saturday is looking up, finally paid for my Propagandhi ticket, yesterday I also bought a ticket for the Real McKenzies. I ordered a crap load of Cd's yesterday from Amazon. I'm totally stoked for them to come in. This one Cd by Tommy Guerrero - A Lil Bit of Something. I've been searching for it for YEARS!!! It reminds me of the good ole days cruising around on the reserve with my friends, getting high. It's the best music to just chill out and relax to. I once had a burnt copy of it that one of my friends gave me. However I lost it, along with the friendship, so I was never able to get a replacement copy. So I've been on this hunt for a few years now, whenever I go into a record store or whatever, I'll look for it. I haven't been able to find it, so finally I just gave up and ordered it on Amazon. Hopefully it'll be in the mail in the next week or two, along with the rest of the Cd's I ordered. I'm totally stoked, I can't wait to get super high and listen to that Cd all the way through. It should definitely be good fun times.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Million Miles Away

I absolutely love this song by Adam Hood.

A sharp pain in my soul
No cars on the county road
I can't stand to be a goin home
I'm so mad, I'm so alone
I made some big mistakes

I can't take back yesterday
But it's too hard to live this way
When your heart is a million miles away
I get tired and it makes me mean

But cruel words aren't what you need
I know and we both agree
But sometimes life gets down on me
And two hours on the interstate
I get quiet, I start to pray
But it feels like I lost my faith
We can't work it out
There's a sharp pain in my soul

No cars on the county road
What I give to change my faith
When your heart is a million away


I've been so tired as of late. I don't know what's up. It's not like I've been getting less sleep or something. I've just been totally exhausted for no particular reason. I just bought a few more CD's online because I'm a loser and had nothing better to do at work. I also bought a ticket to go to a second show on Saturday. This Saturday I'm totally stoked, Propagandhi is playing at The Garrick, then afterwards, heading off to The Albert to see The Real McKenzies. Should be good fun times. My plan is to get ridiculously drunk. I got stupid drunk last week, and I think I should follow that up with a stupid drunk Saturday night. Last weekend was pretty low key. So this weekend needs a big bang, or something along those lines. Apparently Rancid is coming to Winnipeg, June 27th for some music festival. That should totally bad ass. I still have my tickets to go see them in Saskatoon on June 8th. The announcement for the June 27th show is coming on Friday, hopefully all goes according to plan. I was told to sell the tickets for the Saskatoon show, but I would totally be up for going to both shows. They're far enough apart, and I was totally down for a mini road trip this summer. I shouldn't say was, I'm totally still down for a mini road trip this summer, and Saskatoon to see Rancid and Rise Against would just be ultimately bad ass!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Back in Black

I ended up going to see Sub City Dwellers, 2 Saturday's ago. It was a blast, I showed up just as they were going on. They put on a good show and I danced my worries away. I was in Lake Louise all of last week. I left Monday, and was back Friday around midnight. I had a great time while out there. Did a bunch of fun shopping, got to see the mountains, etc. I bought some awesome new Cd's. I'm really digging Buck 65 right now. I also bought Tim Armstrong, MGMT, and Goldfrapp Cd's. I'm feeling in a dancy/upbeat mood. But yes Lake Louise was awesome, a week off with my bestest was just what I needed. I got an awesome new tattoo, and got a few ideas for some new tattoos, whilst out there. I'm so heading back there in the summer time. I can't wait. Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, I have no plans as of yet. This Saturday I'm going to see Propagandhi, and quite possibly The Real McKenzies. I watched Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang last night. Damn was it a good movie. The other night I watched Choke, I've been waiting forever to watch it, it was definitely worth the wait. I think after work today I'm going to go grocery shopping, and whatnot. Good fun times. The cupboards have been empty at my house for the past little while, and I think it's time to change that.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Two More Sleeps!

I'm half tired, barely awake. Two more sleeps and I get to leave this city for 5 days. I'm super excited for that. The mountains should be awesome. I got No Doubt tickets this morning. I'm super freakin' stoked for that! I still don't know what I'm doing tonight. There's so many things happening tonight. UFC fights are on, Sub City Dwellers are playing at The Albert, The Waking Eyes are playing at The Pyramid, and it's my friends birthday and she's going out to some club. Ugh! Still have no idea what to do. I want to go home and sleep again. I think that's what I'll do. I'm using a work computer right now, although I'm not really working. I have the next week and a bit off. I'm so glad for that.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Things have been going better as of late. The past week I've been getting back to my normal self. Last night a lot of questions were answered, and have also helped my resolve. I'm going away on my vacation on Monday, I'm super stoked for that. After tomorrow I have 9 days in a row off, also excited for that. For five of those days I'll be hiding in the mountains. I might be checking out a show this weekend, an awesome local band (Subcity Dwellers) is playing at a bar in town, should be fun. Last time I seen them in November they rocked the house, and they played a few Rancid covers. Speaking of Rancid, I got my tickets to go see them in Saskatoon this summer. I'm way stoked. Road trip to Saskatoon is totally in order. I love Rancid to death!! I've been really into ska and punk music as of the past few weeks. In fact I think it's ska/punk that's bringing me out of this funk. It's just so fast and upbeat. This summer another awesome show, I'll hopefully be going to is No Doubt. They set a date in town, and tickets go on sale this Saturday, I truly hope I can score some. But yes, things are looking up in Charlieland. This week off should really help me recuperate or just go completely wild. I'm feeling less melancholy and more like myself. I don't think I'm completely back to myself, but I'm almost there. A visit with my bestest next week should definitely bring me back!